Bin Laden's Choice DNC Enemy Within

Thursday, July 19, 2007

2008 Presidential Race

I will try and not say much about the Democratic candidates before the primaries are complete. I will say that I believe that John Edwards will be their candidate. Now that I have said that we can move on to something much more interesting.
Fred Thompson has not even entered the race for the Republican Nomination, but the other candidates are scared. The reason they scared is they know that they are not conservatives. They have to hoodwink the base of the Republican Party.
Well Mr. Romney, Mr. Giuliani, and Sen. McCain (I am just naming the runners with high poll numbers) you should be scared, we all know you all are not conservatives. Mr. Romney how can you be conservative and come from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, need I say more ( I will in another post). Mr. Giuliani, I see George W. Bush. I think we've all had enough of that. Senator McCain, thanks for being a Republican all these years. Switch parties.


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