Bin Laden's Choice DNC Enemy Within

Friday, July 20, 2007

Deadly Hesitation

Deadly hesitation
A U.S. military officer said the Army is still putting out rules of engagement (ROE) that are dangerous and could cause U.S. soldiers to get killed in the war on terrorism. Gen. David H. Petraeus, the commander in Iraq, recently expressed concerns that soldiers fighting insurgents and terrorists do not have clear guidance on the use of force.
One recent session at the Army Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School in Charlottesville included an instructor who taught one class that "we must hesitate and be careful when we pull the trigger," the officer said.
"They are teaching that even following ROE, while not illegal, may not be a good idea," the officer said. "They are teaching that to win the hearts and minds that we may have to take casualties through hesitations."
A Defense official said the problem with hesitation is that it is similar to saying that if a solider is confronted by an armed terrorist, he may have a legal right under the rules to fire but that he should hesitate on the theory that the terrorist could be won over through appealing to their "hearts and minds."
The official said such advice is deadly.
"As statistics show, hesitation in a situation like this gets a soldier killed," the official said. "Second, 'hearts and minds' in counterinsurgency operations refers to winning the hearts and minds of the innocent civilians through protecting them from terrorists."
The official said Army Chief of Staff Gen. George W. Casey Jr. should find the instructor and have him fired. "Either that or teach him the words to 'Kumbaya' and send him into al Qaeda territory in Iraq, unarmed," the official said.


Now we know why the libs and RHINOs think we are losing. The military schools are teaching incorrect military tactics because of the media and liberals. I am furious. WE ARE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA lets start acting like it.


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