Bin Laden's Choice DNC Enemy Within

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Jose Padilla GUILTY!

Enough said.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Futures Traders Driving up Oil Prices

I have been telling people for months that the futures traders are to blame for the oil and gas prices. The oil companies are at the mercy of the markets just like everyone else. The story today in the New York Post (see link above) proves it.
The only reason that the prices came down after labor day last summer is that the mutual funds pulled out of the oil market. Now it seems everyone is back in. While they are making money now, they are destroying the economies of the world.
I do not have a solution. I do know that when the fit hits that shan the liberals are going to make more government regulations and make it tougher on the oil companies, the markets in the US and around the world to do business in the US. Our economy will be stuck in the perpetual malaise. The emerging markets will start to out pace us. We will be second maybe even third on the world stage.
Of course, the liberals will blame free markets and capitalism. Why should life be easy for us all? Let's go back to the middle ages they were so great!
I am not sure what the answer is, but I do know that something will crack and this momentum will come crashing down like it always does.
If the liberals win in 2008 they will blame the Bush Administration. I believe the next three administrations will use Bush as an excuse. But that is off topic.
Capitalism and the free markets need to work themselves out. One solution that might help is let the oil companies search for oil where they want. Most every other country in the world allows this. Our government is pandering to the environmental crowd, who are trying to destroy the United States, because they have it too good (the environmentalists) in this country.
Just remember, that when the oil prices go up so does your 401k. The higher gas prices, are just forcing you to save for retirement.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

KS Republicans to Demand Loyalty Oath per KC Star

Mike Hendricks column (see link above) shows that Kris Kobach is trying to do something about the losses the Republicans are taking in the state. Its never "OK" to vote for a Democrat. I don't care if they are the only one on the ballot. Recently in Johnson County we have had a few well known names switch to the dark side (Democratic side). If people have a problem taking a loyalty oath to the Republican party, that are officials in the party, then they need to become Democrats. WE don't need you. We don't want you. If you are unstable in your political ideals then just go. Stop lying to yourself. Its much easier to be a liberal. I have a theory that the younger baby boomers and early gen x'ers that think they are Republicans are actually Democrats. Not all of them, but 95% of them. They identify more with the hippie generation. The evening news watching people.
It makes me laugh that people in their late 40's, 50's and some 60 year olds are still confused by what they believe in. How did they live to such an age deceiving themselves?
Just remember Mr. Kobach, the people of their early 40's, the 30 somethings, and the 20 somethings are with you. We believe in a strong Republican party. I may not agree with all the Republicans, but they are still Republicans and we all need to stand together for the good of the State of Kansas and the United States of America.