Bin Laden's Choice DNC Enemy Within

Friday, July 11, 2008

Government take over part 2

It now seems the government isn't looking to take over Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. I bet they still are still looking into it. The stock market went nuts. I believe the commodities markets went nuts, also because of the rumor floating around. I believe that the government floated this idea out there now, to see how the markets and people reacted. Didn't really go to well. Especially, since most everyone in the know said that both companies are solvent. I bet that they try this again at the beginning of the next quarter. They could do it sooner as this was a way of giving people a chance to get their money.

It would seem that the government and both companies underestimated the depth at which the market would go. It doesn't want the government taking over but, it seems that the government does whatever it wants so the markets stayed down. This is also helped the oil prices go up. The dollar is seems to be swirling the bowl. This B.S. rumor today helped it to gain momentum down again. The beginning of the week it was slowly showing a come back. Then the this.

If the government wants to do something, it needs to figure out how to strengthen the dollar which will bring the economy back and the foreign money coming into the U.S. will be an investment not an invasion.

Many people are saying that the economy is not as bad off as we all think. They are a lot smarter than I. It would seem the government and maybe some outside governments are trying to undermine the sovereignty of the United States and the openness of free market capitalism. Letting other countries dictate what we are paying for our goods and helping to erode the value of our currency seems treasonous. So if the economy isn't as bad as most people seem to think it is, wouldn't it be easier to correct the problem instead of making it worse?

Other countries around the world have been feeling the pinch in their economies by way of oil subsidies. That is what has driven the oil market down at the beginning of the week. This shows that the market will work itself out without government interference. I see things like this rumor as government interference.

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