Bin Laden's Choice DNC Enemy Within

Monday, July 07, 2008

Don't be down about Republican Chances

We all need to get over the fact that McCain has been thrust upon us. We need to stop fighting amongst ourselves and work to defeat Obama and the rest of the Democrats.

The RNC, Senate, and House leadership (so called), have written off this election. The business leaders that are usually Republican have also written off this election. It seems that everyone in a position to show strength and leadership has left us, the grassroots everyday Joe, to fend for ourselves. Just because the media is in the corner of Obama doesn't mean the election is over. Obama still has to turn out the mushheads that are young and loud, but not reliable voters.

While it seems that the RNC and McCain's election committee seem to be ignoring us, the base of the Republican party, they are trying to continue his appeal to "independents (mushheads)".
Obama's numbers could be artificially high. People on the other end of pollsters calls don't want to seem like they are not compassionate or racist, so they say the will vote for Obama. Look at past elections at this same time the Republican was behind the same amount as McCain is now.

McCain as most of you know is no where close to my favorite candidate for President. WE CANNOT ELECT OBAMA. At least with McCain we will once again get socialist lite. Obama is a communist. Read his website. McCain has experience on his side. He knows what it takes to get things done. Whether we like the things or not. McCain stands tall with his convictions. He may "flip flop" on things but that only helps us. He is flip flopping back to the right side. Whether he stays there we can only know by going out and voting for him.

Do not be sucked in to voting for Bob Barr. While a good man and good conservative, he will only take votes away from McCain. McCain needs our support. Boy, that makes cringe. We have to do what we know is right. If we stay home and not vote for the Republicans in the national and local races, the Democrats when, Communism wins, and the United States as it was founded and as we know it will vanish quicker than with McCain.

McCain will give us more conservative judicial picks than would Obama. Can you imagine more Ruth Bader Ginsberg's on the Supreme Court let alone in the rest of the judicial system. While we still don't get all the decisions we like from the high court, we getting the ones that count. We don't know how lucky we are that the court interpetted the 2nd amendment properly. It was close though 5-4. We know that McCain will not necessarily put up a big fight for his nominee but we the people can.

While feeling down about our chances of electing Republicans just remember to go vote on election day. We vote. Drugged out liberal college students don't. Mushheads love McCain.


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