Bin Laden's Choice DNC Enemy Within

Monday, July 23, 2007

Walmart: The destruction of the middle class?

According to the liberals and the media, Walmart is a heartless evil corporation who destroys middle America and small business. Of course, the real threat to middle America and small business is the government. That is a topic for another post.
An article on says that Walmart is cutting prices on back to school goods. How evil and heartless is that? They are trying to help their bottom line and their customers at the same time. What other company does that in such a public way? What I really like is that not only are the spending money on advertising, the media who is out to destroy them is giving them free advertising. I love capitalism and the media.
Thank you Walmart for trying to destoy the middle class with low prices. Now we might be able to afford the taxes the liberals want to force upon us.
Here is the free advertisement.


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