Bin Laden's Choice DNC Enemy Within

Monday, July 23, 2007

2007 Summer Attacks

The media has been all over this since Homeland Security Chief Chertoff said he had a "gut feeling" an attack will happen on our soil this summer by Al-Qeida. The only thing that troubles me is that he said nothing about trying to stop it. Are we to just assume that that is what is going on? His position on the now defunct immigration bill shows that, no the Department of Homeland Security isn't trying to stop an attack. If you notice when Secretary Chertoff speaks he has no substance. The guy is just boring. Why doesn't he say we are doing everything that we can do(without a law suit being filed) that we can do. That would give the public more confidence that something is going on behind the scenes. We all know the Democrats (traitors) are doing everything they can to hinder the Department of Homeland Security.

I am not sure that the President is even on the side of Homeland Security. I make this statement for many reasons. Border security and the executive order he signed last week that lightens up on the terrorists in interrogations. Oh, and I shouldn't forget Security Chertoff is the wrong guy for the job. Someone forgot to tell the President, that he needs to surround himself with capable people. The Vice President and Secretary of State seem to be the only capable conservative people in the Executive Branch of government.

Al-Queida is just waiting for the right opportunity. They will attack, because we haven't done enough on our shores to stop them. We have done nothing to dissuade them. The Democrats last week didn't back an amendment to a bill that would protect regular people, who report suspicious activities, from being sued. How treasonous. The government wants regular Joe's to report suspicious activities, but won't have their backs. Of course, this is consistant with the way they treat their emplyees (Mr. Libby, Col. Chessani).

Last Friday on Michael Savage's radio program, he seemed to think that in the not too distant future their will be another civil war in the United States. If a devastating attack happens on our shores by Al-Qeida this summer and the government responds in a hap-hazard way, I am afraid of being sued way, I fear a civil war could break out.

The government needs to stop trying to frighten the public and just do the job that they were chartered to do. Men far more intelligent than any of the people in government in at least 60 years, impowered the government to protect the citizens of the United States. Where is the government when we really need them?


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