Bin Laden's Choice DNC Enemy Within

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Maybe the Republican Party is dying

Over the past few years it has been said and seen that the Republicans elected across this nation have not been acting like the Republicans of old. The have not been the conservatives that their constituents voted for. The growth of the government has surpassed anything Clinton did during his 8 years. This is because he had a strong conservative congress that he had to work with. The strange thing is in the past elections the Democrats have run as conservatives. While the Republicans have run as moderates. The Democrats have won those races.
While watching the first primary results for the Republicans, I can't help but see that in the liberalist of states the liberalist of Republicans are winning. Iowa is a blue state. They elect Democrats most of the time. Huckabee, the winner of the Iowa caucus, won because not only is he a preacher he is not very conservative.
New Hampshire of course went to Senator McCain. He is NOT a conservative. Supposedly, he gives you the "Straight Talk" about issues. That is such a joke. You are kidding yourself if you really believe he is "straight talking" and that he wouldn't act like a Democrat when elected. I am willing to bet that Arizona doesn't re-elect him.
So by now, the media has jumped all over Huckabee and McCain. The media are liberal establishments. They had helped the Democratic Party destroy the Republican Party, by making men and women in the Republican Party try and appeal to their wharped world view.
Romney is the conservative's last hope for a guy who could be elected President and have conservative ideals. Of course, just to let you know. I don't beleive for an instant that Romney is conservative. Any Republican that can be elected governor of Massechusettes is no conservative. People keep touting that he is a businessman who would run the government like a business. That is like saying McCain is giving you the "Straight Talk". As much as economic conservatives want someone to come run the governement like a business, it can't happen. You run the government like a business and you would have to close up shop.
There is one conservative left running for President. Alan Keyes. He is a black man. So you'd think that the media would be all over him. Mr. Keyes can't win. That is the "straight talk". He is a conservative through and through. No one pays attention to him as a candidate for President. He is one of the top conservative thinkers in the world. Yet, some of you reading this are thinking to yourselves "who is this man?". He is one of the last consevatives in the Republican party.
Over the past 6-9 months I have noticed people talking about a third party. Some people have wondered if the evangelicals in the Republican Party are going to splinter off into another party to host a candidate that they identify more with their christian values. I don't see this happening. They have too much invested in the party for that. I believe also that they are more liberal than conservative and they have steered the party in the direction that it is heading.
I have also been able to observe baby boomer Republicans first hand. They are not very conservative either. They are why we have diversity training and believe that global warming is going to destroy the planet. They are also the people who are worry what others might say of them. They cannot make a big decision. They are the liberals of the Republican Party. They are Democrats of old. It is a wonder how some of the prominent conservatives of the Republican Party are the people they are (Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage).
I had the thought after spilling my thoughts to some co-workers today about the exit of Fred Thompson from the presidential race and Governor Matt Blunt of Missouri deciding to not run for a second term. On the moderator posted that Thompson will be seen promoting conservative ideals. This is great. Then I heard that Romney may ask Blunt to be his running mate if he gets that far. Could it be to add conservatism to the ticket? I did say Romney would have my vote if Blunt is VP. I hope I don't have to live up to that.
Then it accurred to me that Newt Gingrich has an organization that is out promoting conservative ideals. Could the old guard conservatives be working on the young conservatives to help them form another party? This would make sense. Seeing as the Democrats are socialists and the Republicans are becoming liberals. A party built on conservative principles, like the Republicans party of Lincoln.
As conservatives we need to keep pressuring our elected officials to do the RIGHT thing. By letting conservative principles guide their decisions. Not the media and polls. Polling in the past couple of weeks has shown that the polls mean squat. That the liberal agenda leaning questions don't play out in real life. While some people say yes I will vote for the black guy or the woman or preacher. When they are alone in the voting booth they vote for who they really like.
Conservatism always works. The state of Missouri is a prime example of that. State was economically in the red when Blunt took over the Governor office and with some cuts in spending and cutting taxes. Revenues to the state treasury are up and the governor will leave office with a billon dollar surplus.
While I think the Republican party might be dying, it might just be a butterfly reverting back to the catapillar.

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