Bin Laden's Choice DNC Enemy Within

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Media Driven Primaries

This morning the media has announced that McCain and Clinton are back. How is this? Just yesterday morning they were saying Obama had this thing sewed up. Clinton will be exiting the field. They knew all day long that McCain would have the win in New Hampshire.

The media has been touting the death of Clinton's campaign since the Iowa Caucus. They ran polls showing that Obama was the man who was going to take New Hampshire. The media had Clinton staffers sending resumes to other campaigns. The Clinton machine was reported to be sputtering. Since Clinton is a big fan of polls early afternoon is was released that the campaign was getting some new/old blood to help steer it. With her "surprised victory" last night, Clinton sure showed them.

McCain the media's Republican poster boy won. They are beside themselves. He is back!! He didn't even come close in Iowa. Their other media propped up Republican, Huckabee, won that. McCain is spent. He needs to do a Costanza. Go out on a high note.

McCain is done. If you read many of the articles out there, the media and democrats believe that they can beat Huckabee, McCain, and Romney (though not as easy as the first two). They are trying to influence what the electorate thinks. They have been wondering very loudly that if Romney will back out now that he lost New Hampshire. What a joke. He is the lead right now in the delegate hunt. Then Huckabee and McCain. McCain is only in third because he won in New Hampshire. Otherwise, he would be fourth or fifth.

The media is so biased now that they have screwed up their own polls. Were they only asking a certain demographic, was the question skewed toward the answer being Obama? The media's bias is their own worse enemy. Of course, they are using this to help steer the electorate. It didn't work.

I am very curious to see how they are going to do it in South Carolina and in the other states in the south. Those people don't identify themselves as independents. That is who the media thinks they can steer their way.

I also like how they turned on Clinton when it looked like she was going to lose. They will drop you like a hot potato, if you even hint of losing. This is so funny. This is where the Clintons decided to attack the media as being biased against her. That is the funniest thing they have ever said. Now that she has won New Hampshire they are back on board. Obama has been kicked to the curb for a few days, until they can get a poll that says he is leading somewhere.

We have not heard much about Thompson in the past week or so. The media and the Democrats are very scared of him. He is a conservative. He presents conservative ideas and they know that being a conservative is what wins elections. They know that he isn't out there pandering to different groups for their votes. This makes him look very credible.

Unlike Guiliani, whom is looking to Florida on January 29th. He is hoping the retired New Yorkers are going to get their friends to vote for him. This is just stupid. Guiliani is done. Stick a fork him.

Watch how the media will prop people up and then ignore them when it doesn't turn out how they want it.

Below is a link to a website that shows the bias a reporter at NBC has.

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