Bin Laden's Choice DNC Enemy Within

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Turkey, our friend no more?

This is freaking insane. These brain dead, crazy, mental cases that are running the congress are trying to push through legislation calling the killing of hundreds of thousands if not a million Armenians by the Turks in the early part of the 20th century, genocide. Well it is.
Unfortunately, this is a very touchy issue. People have been trying to get the US government to denounce Turkey for this for years. Turkey is a great ally. They have been with us through the cold war and were with us through the first gulf war and are with us currently helping with Iraq.
This could easily destroy the relationship we have with Turkey.
The Russians would absolutely love this. The Syrians and Iranian would love this, too. This would hurt us strategically. We would have a problem supplying the troops in Iraq. If conflict between the US and Syria and Iran were to break out, then we would have the same problem as in Iraq with regard to supply lines.
These traitors whom have brought this legislation to bear, need to be strung up. This is siding with the enemies of the United States. This is why we are the laughing stock of the world. We have psychos whom will do anything to undermine the safety and security of the US and we let them do it.

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