Bin Laden's Choice DNC Enemy Within

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Senator McCain Wins Florida: Will he ask the courts to make sure?

I am confused. How does a man who has attached his name to bills that limit our freedoms and try to bestow citizenship upon illegal (criminals) aliens that have broken into our country when in a red state? Is the Republican party a watered down version of the Democrat party? Have the Republicans given up their principles? Does anyone care about The United States of America?
Last night the main theme of the Democrats "response" to the State of the Union address was the need for the end to partisanship. Didn't the President touch on this point? WTH? Do the Democrats just continue on with their make believe story line that Republicans are not playing fair? What is interesting is that the Democrats pick the Governor of Kansas to deliver the "response". She is completely worthless as a leader. She doesn't do anything and then responds to things like its new to her and she is going to fix it. Oh, I mean she is going to let the courts fix it. What a joke.
Senator McCain couldn't even take a moment as a Senator in the same political party as the President to go to the last State of the Union speech by the President. He had more important things to do. Campaigning. At least Senator Clinton and Senator Obama has the onions and forsight to go to the State of the Union address. This is a calculated move on their part. I am sure that Senator McCain looks at his decision to be a calculated move. You know to distance himself from the President. It's a little hard to do that when they agree on most things. Of course, Senator McCain like most liberals, needs the courts to tell him if what he has done is correct. McCain-Feingold (limiting free speech among the people) Bill was constructed with the thought in mind that when it got to the Supreme Court that they had made sure that it was limited enough, but none the less restrictive, to pass the liberal courts test.
Will he ask the courts to make sure he won in Florida? Or will he save that for a state that he loses a primary or caucus in?

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