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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Minimum Wage Goes Up Today

Congratulations to all the high school students, illegal aliens and union workers. You got a raise today. Does this mean your buying power just increased? Only for you union workers. Oh, and guess what, all those illegals that were washing dishes and sweeping the floors at your favorite restaurants just lost their job. Oh they and other non-skilled workers will get their jobs back in 6-18 months once the price hikes work their way through the system. Once again we will be back to people not being able to afford the necessities of life (wink wink). I am looking at you union workers.
I almost forgot the geniuses that make up our House of Representatives and Senate, "thought" this through. In a few months the minimum wage increases again automatically. So once again the cycle starts over or did the high school students and illegals just decide to not get a job. Union workers bravo you will be able to feed your families for another few years on your meager wages.
Now that we have many more unqualified people trying to enter the work place, with a management position in mind. Who is going to hire them. Oh, that is right they can become union members and always have a job. They won't know how to perform quality work or have loyalty and dedication to their job, but they will get a pay check. Their self worth, zero.
No one will want our goods anymore. Isn't that what happened in the 70's? I was born in the 70's the only thing I remember was corduroy pants, that itched. From the history books it looked like an unhappy time in America. The auto industry suffered along with coal, steel, and other highly unionized industries.
The reason I keep harping on the unions is this; they have "negotiated (held industry hostage)" contracts that say union workers get a pay increase when the minimum wage rises.
So minimum wage helps the unions, not the little guy like the liberals and RHINOS like you to think. They are in the pocket of the unions.
Now not all people that are in the union agree with what their leadership does. They are a silent (for fear of retribution) group that takes pride in their work. They want America to continue to be a super power and model for democracy and capitalism. Capitalism is what made this country great. Capitalism is what has made this world a less harsh place to live for at least half the human beings. Capitalism in the future will help make life better for the other half of the human race.
So once again, congratulations high school students, illegal aliens, and union workers on your well deserved and hard earned pay raise.


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