Bin Laden's Choice DNC Enemy Within

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Why do the jerks on the East coast get to tell us who to vote for?

Why is it that the people on the East coast get to tell the rest of us who to vote for? Are we all a bunch a cows? "Hey lets follow what they are doing. Why are they disappearing? Oh, who cares they know where they are going."
As good hard working Americans we should not let ourselves be tricked into following the east coast lemmings and media. Has the media ever liked a Republican? Oh yeah, Senator McCain. Where is Senator McCain winning? On the east coast. Same with Romney and Huckabee. These men are not Republicans they are the dreaded RHINO. I know in Kansas we are not that afraid of the RHINO. The media has lulled a lot of Republican Kansans into a politically correct daze. Of course, some of the Republicans in the party have been over zealous with the literal Christian teachings being pushed upon people. By this I mean creationism. explain dinosaurs to me people. That is for another time, though.
I believe that the majority of the Republicans in Kansas think for themselves and are conservative to the core. Conservatism doesn't mean you have to believe in God or go to a church. Belief in God helps, because the cornerstone of conservatism is that our rights are inalienable. In other words given by God. Man is the one who wants to take our rights as humans and citizens of the greatest nation to ever grace this earth. Liberals and RHINOS believe that our rights are given to us by man (government). Question, how did we prosper as a nation without government intervention? Answer, we did prosper because the lack of government intervention.
Look at all the candidates for President that will be looking for you vote on February 9th at the Kansas Republican Caucus. You should pick the guy who most agrees with your ideals. My bet is the only guy any of us can really pick would be Alan Keyes. Check out his website the link is on the right.
If we all pick someone whom the media has forgotten and the national Republican party only uses when they need a conservative voice. This will show the Republicans around the United States and especially on the east coast that we reject their assumptions that the government is giving us our rights.

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