Bin Laden's Choice DNC Enemy Within

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Bernanke is he for real?

This guy seems to be the leader for the Socialist revolution on the economic front. Yesterday, the markets rallied on the expectation that the economy was turning the corner. The DOW was up almost 400 points. Fantastic!
Today, this guy tells congress that the economy can still fall into recession. Is he just telling the congressional committee what they want to hear? He seems to be towing the media's line that the economy is bad. I admit the economy is slowing, but like I always say the economy ebbs and flows. It can't always be moving fast. You can't ran all the time, you have to slow down and pace yourself.
I read an article yesterday that I will link to here, on The commentary is about how the media is why people think the economy is in a recession. Even though it hasn't met the definition of recession. The funny thing is that the media outlets are cutting jobs. CBS news and Newsweek are just a couple of outlets laying employees off. I guess the "recession" is real. LOL! I don't' feel bad that these people are losing their jobs, because they brought it on themselves.
In an earlier post I spoke about the Bear Sterns bailout. What Bernanke did today, just helps media shore up their arguments that the economy is swirling the bowl. Especially, since yesterdays optimism. Maybe, this bureaucrat was just covering his seat by saying this. Being wrong about the economy slipping would have the media and democrats calling for his head on a platter, unless the economy turns around. Then the media and the democrats will just have to try harder to destroy the economy. I say that but the Republicans are in on it too. They are just as happy to talk the economy down as the Dems.
Well the DOW was only down about 46 points at closing time today. The dollar didn't fare to well and the oil futures were up. Thanks Bernanke. Jerk.,2933,343671,00.html

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