Bin Laden's Choice DNC Enemy Within

Monday, March 31, 2008

Movie Review

No Country for Old Men.
Can someone tell me why this got best picture at the Oscars this year? I haven't seen the end so maybe that will show me why it is the best picture. Otherwise, its only an ok movie. It has everything I look for in a movie. Lots of violence and bad guys who get what they have coming to them. A policeman piecing the puzzle together. Hopefully, the bad guy gets his in the end. I keep falling asleep watching it. Anyway, we'll see what happens. So far, not impressed.

I am Legend.
This movie rocks. Will Smith should have gotten an Oscar for his performance. He interacted with a dog and mannequins for over an hour and still you wanted to watch. That is great acting. Anyway, check this movie out. It is good.

Bee Movie
This is ok. It held my 2 year old's attention for the hour and 20 minutes.

Well I don't get to the movies much. I do rent them a lot. I will try and finish the No Country For Old Men. I will post what I find out.

I finished watching No Country For Old Men. It only had 10 minutes left. I see now why it won an Oscar. It didn't have the normal Hollywood ending. Of course, I think if it wasn't the Coen brothers, no one would have had a second thought about this movie. It builds up and then nothing. I would liken this to drinking non-alcoholic beer. Its ok, but no buzz.

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