Bin Laden's Choice DNC Enemy Within

Monday, September 24, 2007

City of Olathe

I live in sunny OOOOOLathe, KS. I read in my favorite yellow journalism rag today that the Olathe Chamber of Commerce is moving their office from downtown Olathe. At first I thought "so what" then with more reflection I thought " why would they do that most business has to come through downtown". As always I read further. Johnson County Commissioners have decided within the past week that the new $200 million dollar County Courthouse will NOT be placed in downtown Olathe. Why is this?
I ponder this because I live just outside downtown Olathe. Though its not a bustling downtown on par with Old Overland Park or Lenexa. OK its really not like those at all. Its like downtown KC or a ghost town after business hours. There are a few shops. I don't know when they are open. There are some ethnic (Hispanic) shops. I don't know when they are open either. Off the top of my head I can only think of maybe 3 retail shops. The rest are law offices and title companies and bail bonds places.
Where are our city leaders? They are trying to get a Zona Rosa style shopping district open near College Blvd and K-7. Why don't they try and get some business together like an old town. A few pubs, an antique store, something that would make Olathe unique and revive the downtown. I am aware that these types of places don't generate huge tax revenue, but neither does the high traffic places since you give them tax breaks. Where is my city councilman on this. I would be freaking out. A $200 million dollar courthouse gone from downtown. This would help draw restaurants and other business. Is my councilman too busy with his "Rosetta Stone" learning Spanish to care? We need to rise up and ask him these questions.
I found this on the city's website, click the link
Notice how everything is from 2003. Some of the links don't even work.
I will be attending future council meetings to figure out what is going on.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Man charged in Olathe carjacking

Could this guy be an illegal alien? Olathe will have a lot to answer for. They are a sanctuary city. I am sure a lot of you didn't know that. This is unacceptable. This guy is too old to be an anchor baby. If he is a naturalized citizent then that will be revoked.
My money is on the illegal status.

Clinton to offer health care plan;_ylt=Ap79AAi7EvsMRwgrY71BSe.yFz4D

I read this first thing this morning and it turned my stomach. The problem is that this comes at an opportune time. UAW is most likely going to strike and it is because of health care premiums. Please note while reading the article its says it will cost per YEAR $110,000,000,000.00. That is an estimate from a liberal and a Senator. So that figure will most likely be 2x as much as predicted.
Socialism in all its forms does not work. Just ask the British. The UK citizens that can afford private health care opt out of the the socialised medicine.
For you idiot doctors out there who are for this, just FYI you won't make enough money to live the lifestyle you are accustomed to. Just look at the how much the docs make at the health clinics. Its not even close to what you make in private practice.
People who say they cannot afford health insurance don't want to. There are many ways to get health insurance. They may not be able to afford the "gold package" but everyone can afford the entry level package of preventative care. The people that cannot afford this because of income level the government takes care of. Also, there are nonprofit groups out there that help people in need, but you still have to help yourself somewhat.
I have said it once and I am sure I will say it another 2 million times, Capitalism rules! We would not have our HDTV, world class health care, and be the Greatest Nation on Earth, where so many people from around the world illegally enter this country everyday, if it wasn't for Capitalism.
The liberals, socialists, communists, labor unions, and various other groups and countries are trying to destroy this great nation. This national health care plan will do just that.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


The link above goes to an article that states that Isamaphobia is on the rise in Europe. Yes, you read that correctly. This comes from a UN report. There is a big shock. I bet that the guy who wrote the report is muslim. Oh, it doesn't say. It is from the Khaleej Times. That is middle eastern name I perceive. The article is reported from Geneva, Switzerland. So, the writer whomever that is, takes a swipe at the popular conservative party. He, she, it calls it the "popular right-wing party". I am a little irritated that the writer didn't put their name.
What is interesting about this article is that all I can think of is, the islamists that tried to blow up an airport and club in the UK. The guys they just caught in Germany. The murder of Mr. Van Gough in the Netherlands. Just to name a few. Of course, we cannot forget that the demonstrations by hundreds and thousand of muslims, because some Dutch cartoonists made cartoons of their main man Mohammad (is that how you spell it, oh well). In those demonstrations the muslims held signs that called for the murder of these people and whomever else insults islam. Its a good thing Jews and Christians do not do this, there would be an everyday in every corner of the world demonstration.
I just want to remind the writer and the left-wing, socialist, communist, nut job kooks out there, that yes Islamaphobia is on the rise. The reason for this is simple. People are frightened that they will be murdered individually or en masse by some islamist simpleton. Saying its George Bush's fault doesn't work. The muslims have been saying this long before George Bush became President. He is the only leader in the free world that had the grapes to do something about it. Of course, he listened to the left-wing, socialist, communist, nut job kooks out their and screwed it all up.
If for some reason you can't get the link to work, I have a PDF of it that can be emailed.

... and the AG Nominees are

Earlier this week the press had written a few articles that the most likely choice for AG of the United States would be, Ted Olson. A wonderful conservative man whom, has done great work for this country. His last position with the government was Solicitor General. He is a lawyer of great skill. He was President Bush's lawyer who argued before the Supreme Court in the Florida re-call case. This man would be a fine choice for AG.
This evening I read on (Communist News Network for the readers who don't know me) that the new front runner would be Retired Chief Judge for the South District of New York Micheal B Mukasey. Since, I do not live in New York or have ever been there for that matter, I do not know this man's credentials. So I read on. Appointed to that district by President Reagan. So far so good, but Justice O'Connor pops into my head. Then as a good liberal propagandist John King of goes on to say, that some liberal group stated in 1995 that this man would be a "consensus choice" for the Supreme Court. Ding Ding Ding! The bells go off in my head. There most be something wrong with this guy. I continue reading. 2003 Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) sent a letter to the President saying this guy would be OK to nominate to the Supreme Court. All five alarms are blaring now! Clearly this guy is no good. Some crazy liberal group likes him. Senator Schumer likes him. President Reagan appointed him. This guy is bad news.
We need someone who can run the justice department in a time of war that has the RM oysters to stand up to the radical islamists in this country and the liberals whom have already started their, take the White House back at all costs, machine. (Did anyone say, Senator Clinton where did you get that Chinese money?)
As soon as this guy is nominated, we conservatives need to make our voices heard again. The liberals thought they had broken us. They know now that we are still here, biding our time. Doing what needs be done when the time comes (defeating the so called immigration bill, anyone?).