Bin Laden's Choice DNC Enemy Within

Monday, September 17, 2007

Clinton to offer health care plan;_ylt=Ap79AAi7EvsMRwgrY71BSe.yFz4D

I read this first thing this morning and it turned my stomach. The problem is that this comes at an opportune time. UAW is most likely going to strike and it is because of health care premiums. Please note while reading the article its says it will cost per YEAR $110,000,000,000.00. That is an estimate from a liberal and a Senator. So that figure will most likely be 2x as much as predicted.
Socialism in all its forms does not work. Just ask the British. The UK citizens that can afford private health care opt out of the the socialised medicine.
For you idiot doctors out there who are for this, just FYI you won't make enough money to live the lifestyle you are accustomed to. Just look at the how much the docs make at the health clinics. Its not even close to what you make in private practice.
People who say they cannot afford health insurance don't want to. There are many ways to get health insurance. They may not be able to afford the "gold package" but everyone can afford the entry level package of preventative care. The people that cannot afford this because of income level the government takes care of. Also, there are nonprofit groups out there that help people in need, but you still have to help yourself somewhat.
I have said it once and I am sure I will say it another 2 million times, Capitalism rules! We would not have our HDTV, world class health care, and be the Greatest Nation on Earth, where so many people from around the world illegally enter this country everyday, if it wasn't for Capitalism.
The liberals, socialists, communists, labor unions, and various other groups and countries are trying to destroy this great nation. This national health care plan will do just that.


At Monday, November 10, 2008 11:01:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good words.


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