Bin Laden's Choice DNC Enemy Within

Saturday, September 15, 2007

... and the AG Nominees are

Earlier this week the press had written a few articles that the most likely choice for AG of the United States would be, Ted Olson. A wonderful conservative man whom, has done great work for this country. His last position with the government was Solicitor General. He is a lawyer of great skill. He was President Bush's lawyer who argued before the Supreme Court in the Florida re-call case. This man would be a fine choice for AG.
This evening I read on (Communist News Network for the readers who don't know me) that the new front runner would be Retired Chief Judge for the South District of New York Micheal B Mukasey. Since, I do not live in New York or have ever been there for that matter, I do not know this man's credentials. So I read on. Appointed to that district by President Reagan. So far so good, but Justice O'Connor pops into my head. Then as a good liberal propagandist John King of goes on to say, that some liberal group stated in 1995 that this man would be a "consensus choice" for the Supreme Court. Ding Ding Ding! The bells go off in my head. There most be something wrong with this guy. I continue reading. 2003 Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) sent a letter to the President saying this guy would be OK to nominate to the Supreme Court. All five alarms are blaring now! Clearly this guy is no good. Some crazy liberal group likes him. Senator Schumer likes him. President Reagan appointed him. This guy is bad news.
We need someone who can run the justice department in a time of war that has the RM oysters to stand up to the radical islamists in this country and the liberals whom have already started their, take the White House back at all costs, machine. (Did anyone say, Senator Clinton where did you get that Chinese money?)
As soon as this guy is nominated, we conservatives need to make our voices heard again. The liberals thought they had broken us. They know now that we are still here, biding our time. Doing what needs be done when the time comes (defeating the so called immigration bill, anyone?).


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