Bin Laden's Choice DNC Enemy Within

Saturday, September 15, 2007


The link above goes to an article that states that Isamaphobia is on the rise in Europe. Yes, you read that correctly. This comes from a UN report. There is a big shock. I bet that the guy who wrote the report is muslim. Oh, it doesn't say. It is from the Khaleej Times. That is middle eastern name I perceive. The article is reported from Geneva, Switzerland. So, the writer whomever that is, takes a swipe at the popular conservative party. He, she, it calls it the "popular right-wing party". I am a little irritated that the writer didn't put their name.
What is interesting about this article is that all I can think of is, the islamists that tried to blow up an airport and club in the UK. The guys they just caught in Germany. The murder of Mr. Van Gough in the Netherlands. Just to name a few. Of course, we cannot forget that the demonstrations by hundreds and thousand of muslims, because some Dutch cartoonists made cartoons of their main man Mohammad (is that how you spell it, oh well). In those demonstrations the muslims held signs that called for the murder of these people and whomever else insults islam. Its a good thing Jews and Christians do not do this, there would be an everyday in every corner of the world demonstration.
I just want to remind the writer and the left-wing, socialist, communist, nut job kooks out there, that yes Islamaphobia is on the rise. The reason for this is simple. People are frightened that they will be murdered individually or en masse by some islamist simpleton. Saying its George Bush's fault doesn't work. The muslims have been saying this long before George Bush became President. He is the only leader in the free world that had the grapes to do something about it. Of course, he listened to the left-wing, socialist, communist, nut job kooks out their and screwed it all up.
If for some reason you can't get the link to work, I have a PDF of it that can be emailed.


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