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Monday, September 24, 2007

City of Olathe

I live in sunny OOOOOLathe, KS. I read in my favorite yellow journalism rag today that the Olathe Chamber of Commerce is moving their office from downtown Olathe. At first I thought "so what" then with more reflection I thought " why would they do that most business has to come through downtown". As always I read further. Johnson County Commissioners have decided within the past week that the new $200 million dollar County Courthouse will NOT be placed in downtown Olathe. Why is this?
I ponder this because I live just outside downtown Olathe. Though its not a bustling downtown on par with Old Overland Park or Lenexa. OK its really not like those at all. Its like downtown KC or a ghost town after business hours. There are a few shops. I don't know when they are open. There are some ethnic (Hispanic) shops. I don't know when they are open either. Off the top of my head I can only think of maybe 3 retail shops. The rest are law offices and title companies and bail bonds places.
Where are our city leaders? They are trying to get a Zona Rosa style shopping district open near College Blvd and K-7. Why don't they try and get some business together like an old town. A few pubs, an antique store, something that would make Olathe unique and revive the downtown. I am aware that these types of places don't generate huge tax revenue, but neither does the high traffic places since you give them tax breaks. Where is my city councilman on this. I would be freaking out. A $200 million dollar courthouse gone from downtown. This would help draw restaurants and other business. Is my councilman too busy with his "Rosetta Stone" learning Spanish to care? We need to rise up and ask him these questions.
I found this on the city's website, click the link
Notice how everything is from 2003. Some of the links don't even work.
I will be attending future council meetings to figure out what is going on.


At Thursday, October 11, 2007 9:57:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That part of Olathe has been dead for many years, business wise. It would almost turn into a ghost town without the traffic from the court house. Hell they built a huge parking structure about 6-8 years ago there. I agree that this possible move could hurt this part of the city, almost like the've forgotten the "old downtown", and are trying to create their own "Legends".


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