Bin Laden's Choice DNC Enemy Within

Monday, March 03, 2008

The Economy

Why is it that all the liberals in this country keep talking down the economy? Why do they need to be pessimistic about the economy? I would think they would be able to get their way if the economy is doing well since people don't seem to care about giving up their money and freedoms as long as they are doing well. Warren Buffet today came out and said that the US is in a recession. This is after his company posted a huge profit last year. Of course, he is a big lib. So every news outlet is reporting that he said we are in a recession, even though the economy has not met the definition of a recession.
I am also a little confused that the jobless rate in the US is still 4.6% which is almost statistically full employment. If we were really in a recession then the jobless rate would raise because the companies would be cutting jobs to make their bottom line come out of the red, because no one would be buying their products or services.
I understand that the dollar is tanking, so that must mean that US goods are cheaper around the world. So this would explain why people still have their jobs. It would also mean that people have money to spend. Which they are spending, even though historically spend goes down in the first quarter because everyone has overspent in the last quarter.
Now I am no economist but numbers don't lie. Just watch when the figures come out. Companies are still turning a profit (unless you are an US auto maker, which is a separate problem). People are losing their jobs one week and getting new ones the next week.
The housing problem is in the process of correcting itself. Which is making the economy look bad. As soon as this works its way through, people will be better off for having learned to budget within their means. The government will only screw up the natural ebb and flow of the economy and make this much worse. Which will make this down turn in mortgage and banking business last longer and hurt regular people more.
Once again, the economy is doing what the economy does. It moves up and down. Sometimes you have to move back to move forward. The people on Wall Street need to look at the United States and make this countries economy their number one priority. This will make it grow. They also need to stand up and voice opposition to the government growing faster than the economy. They also need to stop the government from putting so many restrictions on companies innovations. All the regulations hamper innovation.
So the next time a guy whose personal wealth has grown out of control, says that the economy is not doing well. Take a moment to think why wouldn't be doing well and how come that guy is doing so well in a bad economy. Just remember that he will be OK when he talks the economy into the crapper, you won't.

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