Bin Laden's Choice DNC Enemy Within

Thursday, March 06, 2008

The Economy Pt 2

The numbers don't lie! The jobless claims last week were down 24,000. Oil inventories fall. This means people have jobs and they are driving to work, play, whatever. The media is also reporting that discount retailers are showing profits, while regular retailers (whoever that might be) are not. This means people are getting wiser with their spending. They are getting more for their money. How dare they!
The demon Walmart is bleeding you dry. Of course, you will have all your necessities to live your life. But you won't be able to go out and buy diamonds and pearls and pay for your gasoline and electricity. Oh wait a minute, you will because you didn't pay someone twice as much for paper towels and tooth paste, because you went to a big box retailer. You also were able to go and have dinner a your favorite Mexican restaurant and take your car to the car wash and get the winter grime off of it.
But your personal finances are not doing well.
That is because you are comparing yourself to others. Live your own life. Work harder so that you can have the big screen TV, Blu-ray DVD, marble counter tops, illegal aliens mowing your lawn. Also, vote for the person who will lower your taxes. There is no reason why the government needs all the money that they take from us. Clearly they just waste it. Just FYI, paying a teacher more money doesn't make them better at teaching. It just means you are paying them more to do what they are doing or not doing, already. That is for another discussion.
I admit the economy in certain sectors is not doing so well. We have politicians, corporate thieves and regular criminals to thank for that. Some are getting what they have coming to them. Others aren't but, always do in the long run. Patience truly is a virtue.
So remember that global warming is on the way in the northern hemisphere and will last at least until October. Then global warming will show up in the southern hemisphere until comes back north in March. People are always happier when it is warmer, I am.

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