Bin Laden's Choice DNC Enemy Within

Thursday, March 06, 2008


I am appalled by the attack by Palestinian murders on a Jerusalem Seminary (a special school providing education in theology, religious history, etc., primarily to prepare students for the priesthood, ministry, or rabbinate. ) . The pupils were unarmed teenagers. These 2 murderers went in and according to one report shot over 400 bullets. That means both gunmen reloaded their weapons at least 3 times, perhaps many more.
What bothers me more than this, not that this alone doesn't have me really upset, is that people in the media around the world are reporting this like they had it coming. Teenagers learning about God, devoting their lives to God, were asking to be murdered. How as a civilized society do we allow this to happen? These people in the media denounce the KKK and the skin-head Nazis, yet they advocate the same thing by Islamo-fascist terrorists.
Why do we allow reporters to report that the Palestinians should be allowed to go out and celebrate the murder of Jewish teenagers? That Hamas is a legitimate government? That if the Israelis would just give up some more of their homeland the Palestinian nut jobs will stop murdering the Israeli children? This is complete insanity. To think that these murdering low life's will stop murdering children for some land, shows how mentally disturbed some people are. The Palestinians show how blood thirsty and crazy they are every time they murder women and children, then go out and celebrate. This is a culture of death!
Media types would have you believe that the Palestinians are just getting the Israelis back for killing their women and children. This is a crock. Everyday, the Palestinians fire rockets into Israel. These rockets are not precision guided missiles, rather they fuel propelled bombs that fly until they run out of fuel and fall onto whatever is beneath them. Children, women, the elderly. The Palestinians live in squalor not because of Israel, but because the murdering thieves that run their "government" steal the money given to them for basic needs or they spend the money on weapons. What do they need weapons for? In their sick twisted minds they believe that the Jewish people stole their land. Guess what you simpletons, the Jewish people were their long before you. Your beloved United Nations recognized this in 1948 and granted them borders. The Israeli people are trying to get along with you, but you can't be friends with a mass murderer very long before he kills you.
The Jewish people have for too long endured hatred beyond what none of us have had to deal with ever. I will never understand anti-Semites. I will never understand why we allow the media around the world to help spread this hate. This has got to end. The Israelis have done nothing to deserve the treatment that they get from the international community. The government of the United States used to be a good friend to Israel. Now they just pay it lip service. They have bought into the demented idea that if they just let the Islamo-fascist have their way this time, they won't do it again.
Whatever happened to the soldier that Hama's kidnapped and started the war in the summer of 2006? No one has reported if he was safely returned or brutally murdered and thrown into the garbage. That is what these murdering punks do.
Now I don't know one Jewish person personally. I know there is a large Jewish community in Johnson County, Kansas and I would be very surprised if they weren't as outraged by today's events in Jerusalem. I am one man who will not let anti-semitism go unchallenged. It is wrong and I pray that it will end in my lifetime.

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