Bin Laden's Choice DNC Enemy Within

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Minimum Wage Goes Up Today

Congratulations to all the high school students, illegal aliens and union workers. You got a raise today. Does this mean your buying power just increased? Only for you union workers. Oh, and guess what, all those illegals that were washing dishes and sweeping the floors at your favorite restaurants just lost their job. Oh they and other non-skilled workers will get their jobs back in 6-18 months once the price hikes work their way through the system. Once again we will be back to people not being able to afford the necessities of life (wink wink). I am looking at you union workers.
I almost forgot the geniuses that make up our House of Representatives and Senate, "thought" this through. In a few months the minimum wage increases again automatically. So once again the cycle starts over or did the high school students and illegals just decide to not get a job. Union workers bravo you will be able to feed your families for another few years on your meager wages.
Now that we have many more unqualified people trying to enter the work place, with a management position in mind. Who is going to hire them. Oh, that is right they can become union members and always have a job. They won't know how to perform quality work or have loyalty and dedication to their job, but they will get a pay check. Their self worth, zero.
No one will want our goods anymore. Isn't that what happened in the 70's? I was born in the 70's the only thing I remember was corduroy pants, that itched. From the history books it looked like an unhappy time in America. The auto industry suffered along with coal, steel, and other highly unionized industries.
The reason I keep harping on the unions is this; they have "negotiated (held industry hostage)" contracts that say union workers get a pay increase when the minimum wage rises.
So minimum wage helps the unions, not the little guy like the liberals and RHINOS like you to think. They are in the pocket of the unions.
Now not all people that are in the union agree with what their leadership does. They are a silent (for fear of retribution) group that takes pride in their work. They want America to continue to be a super power and model for democracy and capitalism. Capitalism is what made this country great. Capitalism is what has made this world a less harsh place to live for at least half the human beings. Capitalism in the future will help make life better for the other half of the human race.
So once again, congratulations high school students, illegal aliens, and union workers on your well deserved and hard earned pay raise.

Monday, July 23, 2007

2007 Summer Attacks

The media has been all over this since Homeland Security Chief Chertoff said he had a "gut feeling" an attack will happen on our soil this summer by Al-Qeida. The only thing that troubles me is that he said nothing about trying to stop it. Are we to just assume that that is what is going on? His position on the now defunct immigration bill shows that, no the Department of Homeland Security isn't trying to stop an attack. If you notice when Secretary Chertoff speaks he has no substance. The guy is just boring. Why doesn't he say we are doing everything that we can do(without a law suit being filed) that we can do. That would give the public more confidence that something is going on behind the scenes. We all know the Democrats (traitors) are doing everything they can to hinder the Department of Homeland Security.

I am not sure that the President is even on the side of Homeland Security. I make this statement for many reasons. Border security and the executive order he signed last week that lightens up on the terrorists in interrogations. Oh, and I shouldn't forget Security Chertoff is the wrong guy for the job. Someone forgot to tell the President, that he needs to surround himself with capable people. The Vice President and Secretary of State seem to be the only capable conservative people in the Executive Branch of government.

Al-Queida is just waiting for the right opportunity. They will attack, because we haven't done enough on our shores to stop them. We have done nothing to dissuade them. The Democrats last week didn't back an amendment to a bill that would protect regular people, who report suspicious activities, from being sued. How treasonous. The government wants regular Joe's to report suspicious activities, but won't have their backs. Of course, this is consistant with the way they treat their emplyees (Mr. Libby, Col. Chessani).

Last Friday on Michael Savage's radio program, he seemed to think that in the not too distant future their will be another civil war in the United States. If a devastating attack happens on our shores by Al-Qeida this summer and the government responds in a hap-hazard way, I am afraid of being sued way, I fear a civil war could break out.

The government needs to stop trying to frighten the public and just do the job that they were chartered to do. Men far more intelligent than any of the people in government in at least 60 years, impowered the government to protect the citizens of the United States. Where is the government when we really need them?

Walmart: The destruction of the middle class?

According to the liberals and the media, Walmart is a heartless evil corporation who destroys middle America and small business. Of course, the real threat to middle America and small business is the government. That is a topic for another post.
An article on says that Walmart is cutting prices on back to school goods. How evil and heartless is that? They are trying to help their bottom line and their customers at the same time. What other company does that in such a public way? What I really like is that not only are the spending money on advertising, the media who is out to destroy them is giving them free advertising. I love capitalism and the media.
Thank you Walmart for trying to destoy the middle class with low prices. Now we might be able to afford the taxes the liberals want to force upon us.
Here is the free advertisement.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Democrats are Traitors, Too
Writer: Audrey Hudson

Congressional Democrats yesterday declined to protect tipsters who report suspicious behavior from nuisance lawsuits.
"This is a slap in the face of good citizens who do their patriotic duty and come forward, and it caves in to radical Islamists," said Rep. Peter T. King, New York Republican and ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee.
Republicans tried to write the protection provision included in final homeland security legislation, crafted yesterday by a House and Senate conference committee, to implement final recommendations from the September 11 commission.
On March 27, the House approved the "John Doe" amendment on a 304-121 vote.
"Democrats are trying to find any technical excuse to keep immunity out of the language of the bill to protect citizens, who in good faith, report suspicious activity to police or law enforcement," Mr. King said. "I don't see how you can have a homeland security bill without protecting people who come forward to report suspicious activity."
While the conference is not likely to meet again, Mr. King noted the conference report has not been written and says he will continue discussions with Sen. Joe Lieberman, Connecticut independent and chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, to insert the "John Doe" language.
Sen. Susan Collins, Maine Republican and ranking member of the committee, announced afterward she would attempt to attach a similar bill to an education measure being debated on the Senate floor. However, the measure was rejected in a late-night vote. After some last-minute arm-twisting by Democrats, the "John Doe" measure got 57 yes votes to 39 votes against, three votes shy of the two-thirds supermajority required under Senate rules because it was not directly related to the underlying educational funding bill.
Democratic leaders held a press conference with members of the September 11 commission just prior to the conference meeting but did not address the fate of the provision.
"We have always said that any discussion of September 11 in any way, shape or form would be made on sacred ground, with reverence to those who were lost," said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat.
"We promised you answers, and we promised you a safer America. Hopefully, this legislation will fulfill the rest of the promise," Mrs. Pelosi said.
Rep. Bennie Thompson, Mississippi Democrat and chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, initially opposed the legislation, expressing concern that it would lead to racial profiling.
House Minority Leader John A. Boehner, Ohio Republican, yesterday warned Democrats of a public backlash if the "John Doe" provision is removed.
"That language was put into this bill with broad bipartisan support making it clear that having Americans protected from silly lawsuits if they notice suspicious behavior and report it is just plain common sense," Mr. Boehner said. "And why would they remove that language, and I think they are asking for serious trouble if the language is in fact taken out."
Mr. Pearce said Democrats made a choice as to "whether they are going to side with the American people or with the terrorists."
Florida Rep. Adam H. Putnam, chairman of the House Republican Conference, said failure to enact the provision will hold "the threat of endless litigation over the heads of the American people."
"Democrats are discouraging citizens from reporting suspicious behavior. And that, simply, leaves America vulnerable to terrorist attacks," Mr. Putnam said.
The imams' lawsuit, seeking unspecified monetary damages, also names the Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission. Their claims include false arrest; negligent and intentional infliction of emotional distress; defamation; failure to train; conspiracy to discriminate; and negligence.
Mr. Thompson said the conference on the homeland security legislation has been "bipartisan and bicameral."
"When the 9/11 terrorists attacked us, they really don't ask whether we are black, white, red, yellow. They just want to hurt Americans," Mr. Thompson said.
The legislation adds personnel, equipment and funding for aviation and surface transportation security and 100 percent screening for cargo on passenger planes and containers. It also redefines how homeland security grants will be distributed.
"No longer will popcorn factories and abandoned dirt bike trails be considered paramount to national security," Mr. Thompson said.

I had to put the whole article. I can't even believe these people. Do they think the terrorists will not try and kill them? I cannot figure out what is going on. Clearly their constituents don't care about this country or their own families. These terrorists know how to manipulate our laws and court system, thank you lawyers. These short sighted, self serving animals that we have elected to Congress need to be voted out. I hope all the Republicans that stayed home last November see the folly of their ways.

Obama Pandering to the Anti-War Crowd, Yet again

Obama: Don't Stay in Iraq Over Genocide
AP Writer: Phillip Elliot
Some Excerpts
"Well, look, if that's the criteria by which we are making decisions on the deployment of U.S. forces, then by that argument you would have 300,000 troops in the Congo right now—where millions have been slaughtered as a consequence of ethnic strife—which we haven't done," Obama said in an interview with The Associated Press.
"We would be deploying unilaterally and occupying the Sudan, which we haven't done. Those of us who care about Darfur don't think it would be a good idea," he said.
Looks like he is going for a 2fer here. BE
"Nobody is proposing we leave precipitously. There are still going to be U.S. forces in the region that could intercede, with an international force, on an emergency basis," Obama said between stops on the first of two days scheduled on the New Hampshire campaign trail. "There's no doubt there are risks of increased bloodshed in Iraq without a continuing U.S. presence there."
Oh, so no leaving early now. I think he is confused. BE
"Barack Obama can't seem to make up his mind," said Amber Wilkerson, an RNC spokeswoman. "First he says that a quick withdrawal from Iraq would be 'a slap in the face' to the troops, and then he votes to cut funding for our soldiers who are still in harm's way. Americans are looking for principled leadership—not a rookie politician who is pandering to the left wing of his party in an attempt to win an election."
Only thing in the story that made any sense.BE

Read full article-

Deadly Hesitation

Deadly hesitation
A U.S. military officer said the Army is still putting out rules of engagement (ROE) that are dangerous and could cause U.S. soldiers to get killed in the war on terrorism. Gen. David H. Petraeus, the commander in Iraq, recently expressed concerns that soldiers fighting insurgents and terrorists do not have clear guidance on the use of force.
One recent session at the Army Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School in Charlottesville included an instructor who taught one class that "we must hesitate and be careful when we pull the trigger," the officer said.
"They are teaching that even following ROE, while not illegal, may not be a good idea," the officer said. "They are teaching that to win the hearts and minds that we may have to take casualties through hesitations."
A Defense official said the problem with hesitation is that it is similar to saying that if a solider is confronted by an armed terrorist, he may have a legal right under the rules to fire but that he should hesitate on the theory that the terrorist could be won over through appealing to their "hearts and minds."
The official said such advice is deadly.
"As statistics show, hesitation in a situation like this gets a soldier killed," the official said. "Second, 'hearts and minds' in counterinsurgency operations refers to winning the hearts and minds of the innocent civilians through protecting them from terrorists."
The official said Army Chief of Staff Gen. George W. Casey Jr. should find the instructor and have him fired. "Either that or teach him the words to 'Kumbaya' and send him into al Qaeda territory in Iraq, unarmed," the official said.


Now we know why the libs and RHINOs think we are losing. The military schools are teaching incorrect military tactics because of the media and liberals. I am furious. WE ARE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA lets start acting like it.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

2008 Presidential Race

I will try and not say much about the Democratic candidates before the primaries are complete. I will say that I believe that John Edwards will be their candidate. Now that I have said that we can move on to something much more interesting.
Fred Thompson has not even entered the race for the Republican Nomination, but the other candidates are scared. The reason they scared is they know that they are not conservatives. They have to hoodwink the base of the Republican Party.
Well Mr. Romney, Mr. Giuliani, and Sen. McCain (I am just naming the runners with high poll numbers) you should be scared, we all know you all are not conservatives. Mr. Romney how can you be conservative and come from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, need I say more ( I will in another post). Mr. Giuliani, I see George W. Bush. I think we've all had enough of that. Senator McCain, thanks for being a Republican all these years. Switch parties.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The New and Improved

You will start to see more frequent posts and more information about things that effect life in Kansas and the United States.
Thank you,