Bin Laden's Choice DNC Enemy Within

Monday, March 31, 2008

Movie Review

No Country for Old Men.
Can someone tell me why this got best picture at the Oscars this year? I haven't seen the end so maybe that will show me why it is the best picture. Otherwise, its only an ok movie. It has everything I look for in a movie. Lots of violence and bad guys who get what they have coming to them. A policeman piecing the puzzle together. Hopefully, the bad guy gets his in the end. I keep falling asleep watching it. Anyway, we'll see what happens. So far, not impressed.

I am Legend.
This movie rocks. Will Smith should have gotten an Oscar for his performance. He interacted with a dog and mannequins for over an hour and still you wanted to watch. That is great acting. Anyway, check this movie out. It is good.

Bee Movie
This is ok. It held my 2 year old's attention for the hour and 20 minutes.

Well I don't get to the movies much. I do rent them a lot. I will try and finish the No Country For Old Men. I will post what I find out.

I finished watching No Country For Old Men. It only had 10 minutes left. I see now why it won an Oscar. It didn't have the normal Hollywood ending. Of course, I think if it wasn't the Coen brothers, no one would have had a second thought about this movie. It builds up and then nothing. I would liken this to drinking non-alcoholic beer. Its ok, but no buzz.

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The Federal Reserve - Destroying Capitalism

Today Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has presented to the American people a plan that would bring more regulation into the American financial system.
Capitalism is the cornerstone of our great Democracy. I am sure many people are applauding this as a way to get back at the "rich". The regulations and systems of checks and balances have been round for many years. They have done what they were enacted to do, make America prosper. In recent years the government has decided to put their hands into the workings of the market. Whether making laws that obstruct business (the accounting overhaul after Enron and Worldcom) or giving publicly owned business billions of dollars (Bear Stearns).
Many people complain that it costs so much more money to have their businesses audited for accounting purposes than it did before. Thus, raising prices and in a lot of instances it hasn't helped. Bear Sterns had some creative accounting going on to help them show that they were turning a profit even though they hadn't in sometime. Of course, that is only one aspect of the problem with Bear Sterns. The market forces have dictated that Bear Sterns goes out of business. The Federal Government, has decided that they will save this huge company by propping it up and letting a competitor buy it for pennies on the dollar. Did this go through normal regulatory channels, no. The Federal Reserve decided that they would just give Bear Stearns and its new owner JP Morgan Chase 30 billion dollars. This is not a loan. They just gave them thirty billion dollars. Just say thirty billion dollars. Our government is giving money to corporations that are going out of business and were dismantled financially by their leaders. Enron's leaders were brought up on charges. How come Bear Sterns leaders are not being investigated? It would seem that the people at Bear Sterns and JP Chase Morgan knew the right people in the government to bail them out of their corporate pillaging.

Upon further investigating, or just looking around the web, I see many powerful companies owned quite a bit of Bear Stearns stock. Maybe that is why the Fed stepped in and GAVE 30 billion dollars to a failed company and its buyer. JP Morgan Chase has only taken twenty-nine billion dollars of the thirty billion dollars offered. How nice.
Here is the list of big shareholders from Wikipedia (remember its wikipedia)
The largest Bear Stearns shareholders as of December 2007 are[3]:

Barrow Hanley Mewhinney & Strauss - 9.73% of the company
Joseph C. Lewis - 9.36%
Morgan Stanley - 5.37%
James Cayne - 4.94%
Legg Mason Capital Management - 4.84%
Private Capital Management - 4.69%
Barclays Global Investors - 3.60%
State Street 3.01%
Vanguard Group - 2.67%
Janus Capital Management - 2.34%
Legg Mason Funds Management - 1.95%
Fidelity Management- 1.93%
Putnam Investment Management - 1.90%
Neuberger Berman - 1.55%
UBS - 1.54% *

The sub prime mortgage "crisis" is a small part of what helped bring down Bear Stearns. They had their hands in many different pies that all seemed to go bad at the same time. Once again I ask, Why aren't these guys being investigated? The major shareholders still got screwed and they are not asking where is our money? Or why are these guys still walking around among us? They should be in prison.

The government has set a precedent that if you are failing we will bail you out. This is communism. They say they are not asking for the money back but, what will they ask for in return. Will they want to put some bureaucrat on the board or as CEO or CFO of the corporation in effect making the company a government entity? This scares me to death. This is how corporations are run in China. This is what the Russians are attempting to do in their country. Their corporations are run by party people, who answer not only to shareholders but the central government. If this is what the Feds are trying to do, then they should let our armed forces own companies. The Chinese Red Army owns many companies that they use to try and undermine other nations.

Michael Savage today gave me the answer to that question. He stated, he and I hope he is wrong, that the government is persecuting the Marines because the Feds know that if the push came to shove the Marines would not allow them to destroy America. That is paraphrased and put into my own words, but he sparked the thought. However paranoid it may be. Our Armed forces used to believe in the United States. I am not so sure now. The Feds see still see the armed forces as something evil. So they would do all they can to not allow them to become more powerful than they are now. By giving them the means to make money on their own.

We as conservatives feared that AL Gore or John Kerry would become the President of the United States, but is George Bush and his group any better? With AL Gore we know that we would not be in any wars, but we would have lost many more people on our own soil. John Kerry would be doing the same thing as President Bush. You can't just leave Iraq. He knew that and the democrats running for office know this.

The democrats are saying that the proposal for the Fed to have more control over the markets doesn't go far enough. Of course, they know that you have to take small steps to take away what makes the United States great, freedom. They only say it doesn't go far enough, because they want to make their simpleton constituents to feel good.
Secretly, everyone in the government is trying to take more control over our capitalist society. They don't realize that the reason they are in the positions that they are in because of capitalism. Allowing Bear Stearns to fall and whomever invested in them to lose their money, will only help strengthen and move the economy forward. The government is only fending off the inevitible crash of the companies that they forced their poorly thought-out communist view of the world on.

Just so everyone knows what sub-prime mortgages are. They are mortgages that were given to people whom couldn't prove income or assets. People whom also didn't have enough money to put down on a house or had poor credit. These sub-prime mortgages also, helped people get into homes that they could not regularly afford. I am not going to say all sub-prime mortgages are bad because there are many regular mortgages insured by mortgage insurers that are going bad too. The government enabled this to happen so that lower income people could get their own homes. By using this communist thinking it has helped to destroy many lives. People have lost jobs, their homes and their credit has been tarnish horribly. All this to get votes and bring about more government control of the economy.

The school system doesn't teach these things because an informed public would not stand for this. This is why the teachers union doesn't want competent teachers to teach our young. I am sure that some economic professor is teaching his students that this thirty billion dollar gift to a private company is a good financial decision.

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What Are You Proud Of, America?

This is one of the best monologues Limbaugh has ever given. Please put aside any pre-conceived notions you have of him and click the link above.

I thought about asking permission to just post the monologue here, then realized that if you like this maybe you will check out the rest of his site. When you have a web site run by big corporation headed by the biggest conservative, you will get information that is correct and different than what you will find in your local or national news outlet.

No, I don't work for Limbaugh and he is only my second favorite talk show host, so don't think I am a shill for him and his organization. I am just trying to get information into the hands of the masses.

Have a great week!

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Thursday, March 06, 2008

The Economy Pt 2

The numbers don't lie! The jobless claims last week were down 24,000. Oil inventories fall. This means people have jobs and they are driving to work, play, whatever. The media is also reporting that discount retailers are showing profits, while regular retailers (whoever that might be) are not. This means people are getting wiser with their spending. They are getting more for their money. How dare they!
The demon Walmart is bleeding you dry. Of course, you will have all your necessities to live your life. But you won't be able to go out and buy diamonds and pearls and pay for your gasoline and electricity. Oh wait a minute, you will because you didn't pay someone twice as much for paper towels and tooth paste, because you went to a big box retailer. You also were able to go and have dinner a your favorite Mexican restaurant and take your car to the car wash and get the winter grime off of it.
But your personal finances are not doing well.
That is because you are comparing yourself to others. Live your own life. Work harder so that you can have the big screen TV, Blu-ray DVD, marble counter tops, illegal aliens mowing your lawn. Also, vote for the person who will lower your taxes. There is no reason why the government needs all the money that they take from us. Clearly they just waste it. Just FYI, paying a teacher more money doesn't make them better at teaching. It just means you are paying them more to do what they are doing or not doing, already. That is for another discussion.
I admit the economy in certain sectors is not doing so well. We have politicians, corporate thieves and regular criminals to thank for that. Some are getting what they have coming to them. Others aren't but, always do in the long run. Patience truly is a virtue.
So remember that global warming is on the way in the northern hemisphere and will last at least until October. Then global warming will show up in the southern hemisphere until comes back north in March. People are always happier when it is warmer, I am.

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I am appalled by the attack by Palestinian murders on a Jerusalem Seminary (a special school providing education in theology, religious history, etc., primarily to prepare students for the priesthood, ministry, or rabbinate. ) . The pupils were unarmed teenagers. These 2 murderers went in and according to one report shot over 400 bullets. That means both gunmen reloaded their weapons at least 3 times, perhaps many more.
What bothers me more than this, not that this alone doesn't have me really upset, is that people in the media around the world are reporting this like they had it coming. Teenagers learning about God, devoting their lives to God, were asking to be murdered. How as a civilized society do we allow this to happen? These people in the media denounce the KKK and the skin-head Nazis, yet they advocate the same thing by Islamo-fascist terrorists.
Why do we allow reporters to report that the Palestinians should be allowed to go out and celebrate the murder of Jewish teenagers? That Hamas is a legitimate government? That if the Israelis would just give up some more of their homeland the Palestinian nut jobs will stop murdering the Israeli children? This is complete insanity. To think that these murdering low life's will stop murdering children for some land, shows how mentally disturbed some people are. The Palestinians show how blood thirsty and crazy they are every time they murder women and children, then go out and celebrate. This is a culture of death!
Media types would have you believe that the Palestinians are just getting the Israelis back for killing their women and children. This is a crock. Everyday, the Palestinians fire rockets into Israel. These rockets are not precision guided missiles, rather they fuel propelled bombs that fly until they run out of fuel and fall onto whatever is beneath them. Children, women, the elderly. The Palestinians live in squalor not because of Israel, but because the murdering thieves that run their "government" steal the money given to them for basic needs or they spend the money on weapons. What do they need weapons for? In their sick twisted minds they believe that the Jewish people stole their land. Guess what you simpletons, the Jewish people were their long before you. Your beloved United Nations recognized this in 1948 and granted them borders. The Israeli people are trying to get along with you, but you can't be friends with a mass murderer very long before he kills you.
The Jewish people have for too long endured hatred beyond what none of us have had to deal with ever. I will never understand anti-Semites. I will never understand why we allow the media around the world to help spread this hate. This has got to end. The Israelis have done nothing to deserve the treatment that they get from the international community. The government of the United States used to be a good friend to Israel. Now they just pay it lip service. They have bought into the demented idea that if they just let the Islamo-fascist have their way this time, they won't do it again.
Whatever happened to the soldier that Hama's kidnapped and started the war in the summer of 2006? No one has reported if he was safely returned or brutally murdered and thrown into the garbage. That is what these murdering punks do.
Now I don't know one Jewish person personally. I know there is a large Jewish community in Johnson County, Kansas and I would be very surprised if they weren't as outraged by today's events in Jerusalem. I am one man who will not let anti-semitism go unchallenged. It is wrong and I pray that it will end in my lifetime.

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Monday, March 03, 2008

The Economy

Why is it that all the liberals in this country keep talking down the economy? Why do they need to be pessimistic about the economy? I would think they would be able to get their way if the economy is doing well since people don't seem to care about giving up their money and freedoms as long as they are doing well. Warren Buffet today came out and said that the US is in a recession. This is after his company posted a huge profit last year. Of course, he is a big lib. So every news outlet is reporting that he said we are in a recession, even though the economy has not met the definition of a recession.
I am also a little confused that the jobless rate in the US is still 4.6% which is almost statistically full employment. If we were really in a recession then the jobless rate would raise because the companies would be cutting jobs to make their bottom line come out of the red, because no one would be buying their products or services.
I understand that the dollar is tanking, so that must mean that US goods are cheaper around the world. So this would explain why people still have their jobs. It would also mean that people have money to spend. Which they are spending, even though historically spend goes down in the first quarter because everyone has overspent in the last quarter.
Now I am no economist but numbers don't lie. Just watch when the figures come out. Companies are still turning a profit (unless you are an US auto maker, which is a separate problem). People are losing their jobs one week and getting new ones the next week.
The housing problem is in the process of correcting itself. Which is making the economy look bad. As soon as this works its way through, people will be better off for having learned to budget within their means. The government will only screw up the natural ebb and flow of the economy and make this much worse. Which will make this down turn in mortgage and banking business last longer and hurt regular people more.
Once again, the economy is doing what the economy does. It moves up and down. Sometimes you have to move back to move forward. The people on Wall Street need to look at the United States and make this countries economy their number one priority. This will make it grow. They also need to stand up and voice opposition to the government growing faster than the economy. They also need to stop the government from putting so many restrictions on companies innovations. All the regulations hamper innovation.
So the next time a guy whose personal wealth has grown out of control, says that the economy is not doing well. Take a moment to think why wouldn't be doing well and how come that guy is doing so well in a bad economy. Just remember that he will be OK when he talks the economy into the crapper, you won't.

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